First off I would suggest reps more in the three to five range on upper body exercises and five to seven science-based-six-pack-review on lower body for the following reasons, one: less risk of injury, two: less trauma on tendons, ligaments, and joints, three: better able to maintain proper form, four: better for bodybuilding purposes.
Also I would suggest training the whole upper body in one workout and the lower body in another workout. By training the whole upper body together the deltoids do not have to serve double duty as they would if you trained push and pull muscles separately, leading to overuse injuries and joint problems, two situations that can make training miserable as you are always training in pain.
Now you have choice of three workout setups, one constant from week to week and two others that rotate from week to week.
The first setup is the simplest and easiest to fit into a regular lifestyle due to its week to week predictability. In this scenario you train four days a week in a two way split. The advantages are always knowing when and what you will be training and once you inform others who may be affected by your schedule allowances can be made and accommodated for and taking both your heavy days on the last two days of your work week, that is if you don't work weekends. Train legs heavy on the last of days leading into the weekend, trust me.