Belgian Embassy

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"The Belgian Embassy is a coalition of Belgian Hackerspaces, Fablabs and alikes. Currently organising the Belgian Embassy village on camps like CCC, SHA & Fri3d." (From their website.)


It takes members to get involved for the Belgian Embassy to function. The present page serves the purpose to make getting involved easier.


Past meetings:
- 01 Oct 2017, hsbxl (Brussels), notes
- 10 Nov 2017, Brixel (Hasselt), notes

Next meetings of the Belgian Embassy:
- 19 Feb, Voidwarranties (Antwerp) [tba]

Events Overview[edit]

Overview of uppcoming events at which the Belgian Embassy could be present:

- FOSDEM, 03/04 Feb 2018, website
- Newline, 14/15 Apr 2018, website
- HaxoGreen, 26-29 Jul 2018, website
- Fri3dcamp, 18-20 Aug 2018, website
- EMF Camp, 31 Aug-2 Sep 2018, website
- 35C3, Dec 2018, [tba]

Events Details[edit]

There is nothing per se planned by the embassy. Maybe we as the HSG want some representation.
Also, Betz is creating a cocktail bot. Consider creating a recipe by forking from here: link.

To be checked.

To be checked.

To be checked.

EMF Camp
To be checked.

- Ticket sale: Around Aug 2018
- Deadline for assembly registrations: Around Nov 2018