<< Newline2020
The space isn't enough for Newline, so we need to find some neighbors who don't mind we use their room for day/weekend
Below a list of rooms that were contacted.[edit]
- 1.07 & 0.14 will email us (info @ hsg)
- 1.10 We should email beginning of March (ask qwaxys for the email)
- 1.29 pending, ask Miker for update
- 1.31 1.32 Said no
- 1.35D to contact, open every Monday and Friday at 20h
- 1.36B Said no
- 1.46 Zen: qwaxys should email (hasn't done so)
- 1.50 pending. Probably no. They will ask main office in NL
- ?.?? Puzzle escape: should mail daphne@...
Next door neighbors (trough blue gate)[edit]
We can't use the passage for a tent or anything else.
The video club is retiring end of December.
The cinema room will be restored to an empty hallway again :(
There might be a new tenant, should check beginning of December with their landlord (ask qwaxys for the email/phone)
in Ghent, it's possible to ask the City to take part of the sidewalk/street (public road) and use it for an event.
This is free for non profits located in Ghent: (see this page, this document on Artikel 6 – Vrijstellingen)
6.8. voor privaat gebruik van de openbare weg door verenigingen, erkend door de stad Gent en in
het kader van hun werking.
De bewijslast ligt bij de aanvragende vereniging die de openbare
weg wil in gebruik nemen.
We can request this online.
Most ideal would be between the 2 gates of the business center, on the sidewalk and on the parking spots next to it. (Marked in yellow in the picture below)
This would make sure the street is still functional, while not angering neighbors, our landlord and apparently increase our chances of getting it approved.
A tent of 8 by 4 meters should fit in this region, big enough for the main talks room.
Other possibilities would be renting a chent really cheap from the City or buying one.